# Install McStas 2.5 on Linux and Unix. * We provide Debian packages, RedHat packages, and tar.gz's of "preconfigured" source code. * **NOTE!!!** The preferred way of installing on Debian/Ubuntu or CentOS 7 type systems is by adding our repository!!! Please consult the specific [Debian/Ubuntu](debian/README.md) or [CentOS](centos/README.md) * For other systems, please either * Use the instructions for [pre-configured source code](src/README.md) * Build directly from the repo [build instructions](https://github.com/McStasMcXtrace/McCode/wiki/Building-McStas-McXtrace) * You are welcome to contact us in case of issues, e.g. via [mcstas-users](mailto:mcstas-users@mcstas.org)