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Previous: Exercise: Insert a sample
- Insert a single detector by changing the options for the
Monitor_nD component to ``single''. Also, add an angle to rotate
the part of the instrument located after the sample, e.g. TT (Two
) and decide a more relevant size of the now rectangular detector. Look at your results from the last simulation to
determine an approximate scan range for the OM angle. Also,
set a small focus_r on the sample component to minimize
calculation time on non-detected neutrons. Scan OM across the
powder lines.
- Between sample and detector, set up an analyser crystal by
copying and modifying your monochromator component. (Add new arms
and angles OMA, TTA - A is for Analyzer - for adjusment.)
Adjust the analyser to Bragg condition
for the chosen wavelength. Re-scan TT and notice the difference to
the scan performed in the previous task. Try also scanning around
-TT and notice the difference to the other scan.
Peter Willendrup