Next: Basic McStas
Up: McStas neutron ray-trace tutorial
Previous: Basic neutron scattering
In the McStas formulation of a neutron scattering instrument, all
objects apart from the neutron are referred to as components. This
includes for instance
- Source The exit of a neutron production facility, where
neutrons of certain velocities are emitted into some
portion of space
- Monochromator/Analyzer (Idealized) crystals used to select a
neutrons of a single wavelength
1 to probe the sample with (monochromator) or to
analyze (analyzer)
- Sample An object altering the neutron physical properties
in some sense, examples used here are
- Vanadium. Scatters incoming neutrons incoherently
- Powder2. Can be thought of as a large number of crystals,
each scattering neutrons according to the Bragg law, thereby
producing two concentric Debye Sherrer cones. This sample also
has the posibility of adding inchoherent, eleasticly scattered
- Monitors Objects monitoring or registering neutron
characteristics. In the exercises below are used different types
of detectors or monitors:
- Monitor. Single monitor, detecting the number of flying
through a plane. (User defined opening size)
- PSD_monitor. Square monitor, detecting the number of
neutrons passing through a plane, divided into
pixels. square regions of a plane. (User defined resolution
and opening siz)
- PSD_monitor_4PI. As PSD_monitor but shaped like a sphere.
- L_monitor. Wavelength monitor, measuring the different
wavelengths of the passing neutrons. (L is for
- Monitor_nD. General monitor for detecting all sorts of
physical properties of the neutron. In our cases used with
- 'single' - as PSD_monitor but only one small square
- 'banana' - as PSD_monitor but shaped like a curved,
horizontal band
- Collimators Devices controling the direction and divergence
of the neutron ray.
- Collimator_linear A series of parallel absorbing neutron plates
that limits the beam divergence.
Typical values are
More information on the McStas components is available by using the
program (You may need to set the BROWSER system variable
to your webbrowser of choice):
mcdoc -s
, Shows a html list of all the components
mcdoc Monitor.comp
, Shows the documentation for a given component
mcdoc -M
, brings up the McStas manual in PDF format
Next: Basic McStas
Up: McStas neutron ray-trace tutorial
Previous: Basic neutron scattering
Peter Willendrup