Next: Exercises
Up: McStas neutron ray-trace tutorial
Previous: Basic understanding of instrument
In short, the core of the McStas system is a precompiler. From a
user-provided instrument description, components are assembled into
a single piece of ansi-c code. Using a compiler, e.g.
gcc, the c code is compiled into an executable program
which can be run on your computer. Optionally, the program takes
input arguments to tune the setup of your instrument/simulation.
This section will take you through a (very) simple example instrument
to learn you the basic instrument language of McStas. (Instrument
filename is vanadium_example.instr, can be loaded using the
Neutron Site/Tutorial
menu item of the mcgui
, see below)
Please study carefully the instructive comments,
marked by /* ... */
/* The line below defines the 'name' of our instrument */
/* Here, we have a single input parameter, ROT */
DEFINE INSTRUMENT vanadium_example(ROT=0)
/* The DECLARE section allows us to declare variables */
/* in c syntax. Here, coll_div (collimator divergence) */
/* is set to 60 degrees... */
double coll_div = 60;
/* Here comes the TRACE section, where the actual */
/* instrument is defined.... */
/* The Arm() class component defines reference points */
/* in 3D space. Every component instance must have a */
/* unique name. Here, arm is used. This Arm() component*/
/* is set to define the origin of our global coordinate*/
/* system (AT (0,0,0) ABSOLUTE) */
COMPONENT arm = Arm() AT (0,0,0) ABSOLUTE
/* Next, we need some neutrons. Let's place a neutron */
/* source. Refer to documentation of Source_flat to */
/* understand the different input parameters. */
/* The source component is placed RELATIVE to the arm */
/* component, meaning that modifying the position or */
/* orientation of the arm will also affect the source */
/* component (and other components after that one... */
COMPONENT source = Source_flat(radius = 0.015, dist = 1,
xw=0.024, yh=0.015, E0=5, dE=0.2)
AT (0,0,0) RELATIVE arm
/* Here we have a collimator - or Soller - placed to */
/* improve beam divergence. */
/* The component is placed at a distance RELATIVE to */
/* a previous component... */
COMPONENT collimator = Collimator_linear(len = 0.2,
divergence = coll_div, xmin = -0.02, xmax = 0.02,
ymin = -0.03, ymax = 0.03)
AT (0, 0, 0.4) RELATIVE arm
/* We also need something to 'shoot at' - here a sample*/
/* made from vanadium - an isotrope scatterer. Options */
/* are available to restrict the solid angle in which */
/* neutrons are emitted (no need to simulate anything */
/* that we know for sure will not gain us more insight)*/
/* Other options for smart targeting are available - */
/* refer to component documentation for info. */
COMPONENT target = V_sample(radius_i = 0.008, radius_o = 0.012,
h = 0.015, focus_r = 0, pack = 1,
target_x = 0, target_y = 0, target_z = 1)
AT (0,0,1) RELATIVE arm
/* Here, a secondary arm - or reference point, placed */
/* on the sample position. The ROT parameter above */
/* defines rotation of this arm (and components */
/* relative to the arm) */
COMPONENT arm2 = Arm()
AT (0,0,0) RELATIVE target
ROTATED (0,ROT,0) relative arm
/* For data output, let us place a detector. This */
/* detector is not very realistic, since it is sphere */
/* shaped and has a 10 m radius, but has the advantage */
/* that EVERYTHING emitted from the sample will be */
/* picked up. Notice that this component changes */
/* orientation with the ROT input parameter of the */
/* instrument. */
COMPONENT PSD_4pi = PSD_monitor_4PI(radius=10, nx=101, ny=51,
AT (0,0,0) RELATIVE target ROTATED (ROT,0,0) RELATIVE arm2
Enlightened by the above example, you are probably now ready to learn
a few more important details and tips about McStas.
- Neutron histories/Intensities: McStas simulates neutron
histories rather than direct neutron counts, i.e. when a
Monte Carlo choice is made in a given component (e.g. a random
number is generated to decide a new direction of the neutron ray),
the neutron weight factor is adjusted accordingly. As you
may have guessed already, the weight factor is actually a
probability of observing a neutron of the given behaviour.
The transition to direct neutron intensites is made
by adjusting the initial neutron weight of the source component,
giving the absolute flux of neutrons emitted in one
second. This means that the intensity of the neutron beam at a
given position is the initial neutron weight multiplied by the
product of all the Monte Carlo weight factors occuring from the
source to the given position. When observing McStas output,
is the intensity, not
- 3D space: The 3D space in which the instrument is defined,
usually has a single component which is
placed ABSOLUTEly in space, e.g. at (0,0,0). All other components
can be placed relative to this component.
- Changing coordinate system: Each component has its own
local coordinate system. As the neutron travels from one component
to the other, the local component coordinate system changes. The
definition is that
is the direction toward the next component,
and that the
direction is vertical.
- Component order matters! It is important to understand
that McStas is component order dependent. The basic idea is to
follow the neutron as it travels from one component to the next in
the instument description. This means that if you place one component
geometrically before another component, but orderly
after the other component, neutrons may never reach your 'first'
component. This means that some designs can be difficult to
achieve, though generally a solution can be found.
- Use Arm()'s! The Arm() component is very good for defining
changed orientation of the instrument, e.g. for axis turning points
etc. Placing many Arm()'s will improve future flexibility of your
- Use PSD_monitor()'s! The PSD_monitor() component is a
position sensitive detector. This component can
be used to image the shape of your beam as it travels through the
instrument. This is very useful for debugging purposes. Other
monitors, for instance wavelength monitors can also be useful.
In the McStas manual, available by clicking
if you are using an internet browser to view this document, description
of usage of the different McStas tools is printed. The main McStas
programs are
- mcstas - Core application
- mcgui - Main graphical user interface
- mcdisplay - Ray trace / debugging application
- mcplot - Data / display application
- mcdoc - Documentation application
Here are a few hints on using the tools:
- To start mcgui, execute
in a terminal window
on Windows)
- To handle instrument files (opening, editing, compiling), use
menu of mcgui
- To simulate and plot data, use the
menu of mcgui
- To use the distributed example McStas instruments, use the
Neutron Site
menu of mcgui
- For further help on usage, use the items of the
menu of Help
menu or read the chapter Running McStas
of the McStas manual [2].
Next: Exercises
Up: McStas neutron ray-trace tutorial
Previous: Basic understanding of instrument
Peter Willendrup